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Premju Ġieħ l-Artiġjanat Malti 2020
Summer Crafts Fair
Premju Ġieħ l-Artiġjanat Malti 2019
Maltese Crafts Fair
Maltese Crafts Mother’s Day Fair

The Fair will be held at Triton Square in Valletta, from Tuesday 7th May till Friday 10th May from 09:00 till 16:00. Organised by the Commerce Department, within the Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Businesses Original Handmade Crafts Products: Filigree, textile works, paintings, beading, woodworks, ceramics, costume jewellery, agricultural products and much more. Free Entrance.
Maltese Crafts Easter Fair

The Commerce Department in collaboration with the Malta Tourism Authority and the Valletta Local Council is holding an EASTER Maltese Crafts Fair at Pjazza San George, Valletta from Tuesday 9th April till Friday 12th April 2019. This fair will commence each day at 9.00am and finishes each day at 4.00pm. Apart from selling, a […]
Malta Crafts Council Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Malta Crafts Council for the year 2018 was held on the 30th January 2019 at Project House, in Floriana. The Annual Report for 2018 was presented together with a short overview of the proposed Malta Crafts Act. The members present could present their feedback on the Act and other issues.